Every year on September 10th, the international community comes together to observe World Suicide Prevention Day. This day is about raising worldwide awareness about suicide, and putting into place actions to prevent suicide, such as individual therapy and treatment for mental health conditions that lead to suicide, such as depression, PTSD, and borderline personality disorder (BPD). An estimated one million people die by suicide per year. It impacts people of all ages, genders, races, and backgrounds. More people die from suicide than murder or war and it is the thirteenth leading cause of death worldwide. These high numbers highlight the urgent need for this day and aid for preventing future suicides.
While mental health and mental illness have lost some of the stigmas around them, suicide still remains taboo. Openly discussing suicide can be challenging, but sharing stories, especially on this day, can help individuals who are struggling with suicidal thoughts. Show your support this day by reaching out to those that you love. Whether or not you have attempted suicide or had suicidal thoughts, this day is about helping those in need. Share your stories, reach out, or write “love” across your wrist to let those around you know you’re here.
If you’re struggling with suicidal thoughts and need help, please contact us or reach out to a mental health professional. As providers in the field of psychiatry and mental health, our goal is contribute to greater suicide prevention in our local community. A true mental health professional does not judge their patients for struggling with suicidal thoughts or feelings. Join us in celebrating World Suicide Prevention Day this September 10th, to help erase the stigma of suicide and help others to get help. #wspd #suicideprevention