Many people struggling with anxiety may not even know that they’re being challenged by symptoms of an anxiety disorder. They may think that the behaviors and feelings they experience that are due to anxiety disorders are just normal. However, there are certain anxiety behaviors that can point to anxiety disorder diagnoses. Identifying the defining characteristics of anxiety disorders includes determining if a person is displaying these anxiety behaviors. So, learn more about some of these behaviors and, if you are experiencing them in your own life, determine if you may be experiencing the symptoms of an anxiety disorder.
Some signs and symptoms of anxiety (showcased in behaviors) that you may not know about can include:
People with anxiety often feel like they have to make everyone around them happy. When others are happy, they feel that their anxiety is under control. While apologizing when you’re wrong is a good thing, people with anxiety can tend to apologize even when it’s not needed. This allows them to be reassured that their relationships with others are intact and there are not problems between them and their loved ones. Part of anxiety is the constant need for reassurance that there isn’t conflict. Apologizing allows people with anxiety to make sure that there is no tension in their relationships. So, if you find yourself apologizing to others a lot and feeling the need to apologize even if you haven’t done something wrong, this could be a sign of unnoticed anxiety.
Part of dealing with anxiety can include staying away from others and going to events or locations. This can especially be true if these events, people, or locations are new for a person with anxiety. Dealing with new things and making new relationships can be overwhelming for people living with anxiety disorders. So, if you notice that you avoid going to events or meeting new people or you get really stressed with having to do these types of things, this could be a sign that you’re dealing with an anxiety disorder.
When living with an anxiety disorder, it can be overwhelming and stressful to make decisions, even if they’re small. But, it’s especially difficult to make decisions about big and important things. People living with anxiety disorders feel like they need to be in control. Otherwise, their anxiety levels will skyrocket. And, since making decisions means having to know every possible outcome and scenario in order to be in control, decision-making is a challenge for people with anxiety disorders. During treatment, people with anxiety disorders learn about the process of making decisions in their lives and how to let go of the control they feel is necessary to make decisions.
Finally, another aspect of anxiety disorders that is relatively unknown is having to plan. Those living with high levels of anxiety try to control every aspect of their lives in order to gain control of their anxiety. One of the things they do to gain this control is planning. So, planning everything in a daily schedule, for a vacation, or in other areas of life can be a sign of an anxiety disorder.
Do you notice any of these subtle signs of anxiety disorders in your own life? You may be dealing with the effects of an anxiety disorder. Fortunately, treatment can help you overcome the signs and debilitating effects of anxiety disorders in your life. And, take control and manage anxiety so that you can live a life of better mental health wellbeing.
Delray Beach Psychiatrist offers help for people dealing with high anxiety levels and anxiety disorders with outpatient treatment. We offer both psychiatric care and therapy for people diagnosed with anxiety disorders.